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  Part B
  In the following article some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45 choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1.
  William Lanouette's biography of Leo Szilard Genius in the Shadows does more than reveal the life of a brilliant physicist and social activist it sheds a perceptive light on the role of scientists in public policy. World War II is usually recognized as the coming of age of science in U.S. politics. Albert Einstein had become the world's first science celebrity and a person to whom presidents felt obliged to listen. 41 Bush laid the foundation for a postwar science policy that would put government in the dominant role in funding basic research.
  What is instructive about Szilard's life however is not the political influence of scientists as a group. 42 He believed that scientists should have more influence in policymaking in general-not because of their knowledge but because of their ability to think rationally. This faith in reason was a weakness in Szilard's political thinking however because it prevented him from understanding the emotional forces that must also be taken into account.
  (43 And although he often used the reputation of his friend Einstein to gain access to decision makers he believed firmly that it was the power of his ideas that deserved attention. He felt the same way about science. Even as an unemployed and relatively unknown physicist he expected the giants in the field to respect his ideas if they made sense.
  (44 He didn't assume that he should be listened to just because he was a brilliant physicist and he accepted that even the most enlightened thinking had to be promoted vigorously to be influential. Of course it didn't hurt that he was way ahead of his time in recognizing the threat posed by Hitler the importance of nuclear weapons and the problems with nuclear weapons that would arise after the war.
  (45 First the most important policies are those that address issues bigger than science itself. Szilard studied and cared deeply about the larger issues of governance not just the role of science. Second he understood that his scientific training did not entitle him to influence and that the quality of his thinking did not mean that the world's leaders would come knocking at his door. He knew that to make a difference in the world it is necessary to think broadly to win support through compelling analysis not reputation and to work tirelessly to promote one's ideas.
  [A] What Szilard did was to approach public policy with the same vigor determination and persistence with which good scientists approach science. What works in advancing science can also work in improving policy.
  [B] The key to Szilard's effectiveness and influence was his sense of responsibility for making the world a better place. Once he decided that something should be done he devoted enormous energy resourcefulness and audacity to advancing his proposal.
  [C] But Szilard was not expecting to be influential in policy debates just because he was a scientist. An avid newspaper reader he was extremely well informed about public affairs.
  [D] The Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb was an unprecedented federal investment in research and questions about how to use the insights of nuclear physics for military and civilian purposes brought scientists into direct conversation with the nation's leaders.
  [E] Not everything that Szilard advocated was wise reason sometimes overwhelmed common sense. Still his life illustrates important lessons for scientists who want to influence public policy.
  [F] Indeed it was the scientific hyper-rationality of someone like Szilard that Roald Hoffman had in mind when he questioned why scientists shouldn't run the world.
  [G] Szilard's efforts to convince the government to develop nuclear weapons and his subsequent campaigns to establish civilian and international control of the power of the atom are an inspiring example of how a determined individual can play a major role in public policy.
  Part B
  本文是一篇书评,作者介绍了一部关于Leo Szilard的传记,并在同时对此人进行了一番评价。作者认为Szilard是一位杰出的物理学和社会活动家,阅读这部传记可以了解一位科学家是如何影响公共政策的。作者指出,科学家要想影响公共政策,首先要认识到最重要的政策涉及的面要比科学本身大,其次仅有科学素养是不够的,科学家还应思路开阔,多作分析。
  41. [答案] D注意第一段第二句话中的"it sheds a perceptive light on the role of scientists in public policy."(它使我们明白科学家在制定公共政策中的作用。)接着,作者说明第二次世界大战是科学家影响美国政治的开始。随后都是举例说明科学对美国政治的影响。空白处的上文是以爱因斯坦为例,下文是以布什为例。因此,中间应该是另一个例证。选项D是正确的选择。
  42. [答案] G第二段的第一句显然是该段的主题句,即Szilard的一生并不说明科学家以集体的力量影响政治。因此,空白处所填的语句应该表明Szilard是怎样运用个人的力量影响政治。正确的选项显然是G了。
  43. [答案] C第二段讲到Szilard坚信理智(reason)的力量,但是这样也使他忽视了对情感力量的理解。换句话来说,有些政治议题不完全受理智的影响,而是受到情绪的影响,但是Szilard却不大明白这一点。空白处的语句应该谈到Szilard矢志不渝,坚信自己的观点应该受到别人的关注。因此,所填的语句应该表明Szilard为什么有这样强烈的自信,这样才比较符合逻辑。
  44. [答案] B首先我们应该确认Szilard是一位杰出的物理学家和社会活动家,这一点作者已经在文章的开头就已经加以说明。第二,从第四段的最后一句中,我们得知Szilard确实是一个卓有远见的人,他率先认识到希特勒的邪恶本质,提出了发展核武器的重要性,并且预见到了二战以后核武器会带来的问题。注意空白后的两句话,似乎是说明Szilard具有一种坚韧不拔的精神,所以他才不会认为别人应该听取他的意见,甚至一些浅显的道理也需要他大张旗鼓加以宣传。因此,空白处所填的语句应该包含段落的主题句,说明Szilard为什么会这样坚韧不拔。选项B中的第一句正好可以被看作是该段内容的概括。
  45. [答案] E现有的语句包含两层意思,一是最重要的政策涉及的面要比科学本身大,二是仅有科学素养是不够的,科学家还应思路开阔,多作分析。结合文章的主题,可以判定最后一段空白处所填的语句应该是科学家怎样才能影响公共政策。因此,选项E是正确的。

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