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1.人类历史上第一次改变材料性质的工艺创造是( )
A.打制石器  B. 磨制石器   C.制陶技术  D.编制容器
2.中国的伟大发明——瓷器是东汉时期在(  )省完成的
A.浙江  B  湖南   C江西   D 河北
3.中国历史上的家具设计与工艺在(  )达到最高水皮
A 唐代  B 宋代   C明代   D 清代
4.日用陶瓷设计的本质是利用陶瓷材料进行的(  )
A 艺术创作  B 工程设计  C 产品设计  D 美术设计
5.漆艺是漆工艺和漆艺术的统称,不包括(  )
A 漆器  B 漆简   C 漆画   D 漆塑
6.设计观念应该成为(   )的基本要素
A 全体公民  B 设计院校  C 专业人员  D 技术人员
7.亨德尔创作的《弥赛亚》是(  )体裁
A 清唱剧  B 交响乐  C 室内乐  D 歌剧
8.维也纳古典乐派中,被称为“交响乐之父”的是( )
A 海顿  B 贝多芬  C 莫扎特  D 布拉姆斯
9.(  )代词人姜白石的自度曲一直流传至今,成为中国音乐的珍贵遗产。
A 唐   B 宋   C 元   D 明
10. 我国明代乐律家朱载增,是(  )的首创者。
A 十二平均律 B 纯律   C 五度相生律  D 三分损益律
11.(  )又名《跑马溜溜的山上》,它是流行于我国西南地区的情歌。
A 《小河淌水》B 《康定情歌》C 《茉莉花》  D《小白菜》
12.歌曲《松花江上》的词曲作者是(  )
A 张寒晖  B 麦新  C 聂耳   D 冼星海
13.《龙须沟》的作者是(   )
A 郭沫若  B 曹禺  C 陈白尘   D 老舍
14.被誉为19世纪西欧最杰出的批判现实主义戏剧家是(   )
A 易卜生  B 斯特林堡  C 霍特曼   D 汉姆生
15.(   )是宋之的先生的作品
A 《原野》  B 《屈原》  C 《名优之死》 D 《雾重庆》
16.17世纪法国古典主义悲剧的创始人和代表作家是(  )
A 拉辛  B 莫里哀   C 高乃依  D 布瓦洛
17.(  )奠定了曹禺先生在中国话剧史上杰出的现实主义作家的地位。
A 《家》  B 《北京人》  C 《雷雨》  D 《蜕变》
18.《等待戈多》的作者是(   )
A 加缪  B 贝克特   C 阿尔比  D 尤特斯库
19.欧洲文艺复兴早期的蛋彩画用( )来调和颜料。
A 蛋黄  B 蛋清   C 水   D 油
20.法国19世纪新古典主义绘画的代表人物是(  )
A 达维特  B 德拉克罗瓦  C 库尔贝  D 米勒
21.“南宋四家”是指(  )四位画家。
A 刘松年、李唐、马远、夏圭  B 石涛、宋、石溪、渐江
C 王时敏、李鉴、王晕、王原祁  D 沈周、文征明、唐寅、仇英
22.在南齐谢赫《画品》中提出的“六法轮”里,将( )放在最重要的位置。
A 经营位置  B 传移模写  C 应物象形   D 气韵生动
23.西方关于艺术起源理论中最有影响的观点是(  )
A 表现说  B 游戏说  C 巫术说   D 劳动说
24.在影像世界中,“近景”主要是指(  )
A 人的全部身体      B 人的整体及周围环境
C 人体胸部以上      D 头部全貌
25.电影史上著名的“敖德萨阶梯”段落出现在著名影片(  )里
A 《夏伯阳》  B 《列宁在十月》 C《战舰波江金号》 D 《雁南飞》
26.(  )属于传统的“美术片”。
A.儿童电影  B. 木偶片   C.DV电影  D. 纪录片
27.下列四组电影导演钟最早的一代是( )。
A.谢晋、谢晋     B. 吴永刚、费穆
C.郑洞天、张暖    D. 张石川、郑正秋
28.1922年因创作《北方的那努克》而备称为“记录电影之父”的是( )。
A.格里菲斯    B. 弗拉哈迪
C.爱森斯坦    D. 梅里爱
29.影视中的“长镜头”是指(  )。
A.画面饱满的镜头   B. 距离远的镜头
C.不间断的镜头    D. 光圈打的镜头
30.从(  )年起,我国中央电视台开办了专业性的电影电视剧频道、文艺频道、音乐频道和戏曲频道。
A.1980   B. 1990  C.1995   D. 2000
31.中央电视台“春节电视联欢晚会”是(  )年开始举办的。
A.1958   B. 1978  C.1990   D. 1995
32.影视听觉语言的三大基本类别是(  )。
A.音色、音调、响度   B. 语言、音乐、音响
C.语感、语速、语气   D. 书面语、口语、声音
33.《士兵突击》属于(  )。
A.电视系列剧     B. 电视报道剧
C.电视连续剧     D. 电视直播剧
34.(  )被誉为中国新舞蹈艺术的开拓者,其代表作品又《饥火》等。
A.戴爱莲   B. 吴晓邦   C.陈爱莲   D. 贾作光
35.(  )创作了舞蹈《马赛曲》等作品,被现代舞蹈家们奉为精神领袖,誉为“现代舞之母”。
A.露丝•圣丹尼丝    B. 安娜•巴 洛娃
C.玛莎•格莱姆    D. 依莎多拉•邓肯
36.舞蹈《摘葡萄》表达了收获果实的喜悦,体现了我国新疆( )舞蹈的风格特色。
A.哈萨克族     B. 乌孜别克族
C.塔塔尔族     D. 维吾尔族
37.“英哥”善于勾画脸谱,运用木棍作为道具,是具有( )地区特色的舞蹈。
A.福建   B. 安徽   C.江苏   D. 广东
38.“……咏歌之不足,故不知手之舞之足之蹈之也”一语,出自我国古代文献(  )。
A.《舞赋》  B.《西京赋》 C.《毛诗序》   D. 《西京杂记》
39.中国唐代著名书法家张旭,因观(  )的舞蹈而受启发,其草书大有长进。
A.杨贵妃   B. 公孙大娘  C.西施   D. 戚夫人
40.梨园是唐玄宗时期在宫廷中设立的专门训练( )的机构。
A.戏曲演员  B. 乐工  C.杂技演员  D. 优
41.流传下来的金院本剧目单叫做( )。
A.《官本杂剧段数》    B. 《武林旧事》
C.《青楼集》     D. 《院本名目》
42.宋元时期由剧本写作者共同组成的民间创作组织是( )。
A.书社  B. 书会   C.才人会   D. 诗社
43.按明清传奇演出惯例,在正戏开始前最先出场的行当是( )。
A.净  B. 末    C.生   D. 副末
44.下列剧目中,又名《下河东》的是( )。
A.《武家坡》 B. 《反五关》  C.《独木关》  D. 《龙虎斗》
45.奥地利作曲家莫扎特创作了(  )等著名歌剧。
A 《女人心》 B 《茶花女》  C《费加罗的婚礼》D《魔笛》 E 《阿伊达》
46.居家装潢设计应重点考虑(  )等方面的因素。
A 适于起居  B 充分利用空间 C 标新立异  D 家具陈放合理 E 节省能源
47.17世纪欧洲巴洛克艺术风格包括以下特征(  )
A 威严感  B 力量感  C 运动感  D 对称感   E 装饰感
48.古希腊产生过很多“悲剧诗人”,其中有作品流传下来的是(  )
A 亚里士多德 B 埃斯库罗斯  C 米南达  D 索福克勒斯  E欧里庇得斯
49.下列戏曲作品中,属于明代剧作家创作的是( )
A《红梅记》   B《水浒记》   C《玉簪记》   D《风筝误》
50.影视剪辑的基本技巧是(  )
A 剪辑点组接  B 段落转场组接   C 静态剪辑  D 动态剪辑 E 表现剪辑
51.在电影摄制中,镜头运动的主要形式包括( )
A 推镜头  B 拉镜头    C 固定镜头  D 摇镜头  E 跟镜头
52.(   )是著名舞蹈家陈爱莲表演的代表作品
A 《红楼梦》  B《春江花月夜》  C 《和平鸽》 D《蛇舞》  E《荷花舞》
Directions: There are three reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some
questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.
Questions 53 to 57 are based on the following passage: ( 10 分 )
How did a peddler of cheap shirts and fishing rods become the mightiest corporation in America? The short version of Wal-Mart's rise to glory goes something like this:in 1979 it racked-up a billion dollars in sales; by 1993 it did that much business in a week; by 2001 it could do it in a day.
It's a shocking tale--one that propelled Wal-Mart from rural Arkansas, where it was founded in 1962, to the top of the Fortune 500. Sam Walton, Wal-Mart's founder, pushed sales growth continuously while squeezing costs with sophisticated information technology. He exhorted employees to sell better with the "ten-foot rule" ( greet customers if they are that close ). He was, in other words, an early evangelist for the first commandment of today's economy: service rules. Wal-Mart, in fact, is the first service company to rise to the top of the Fortune 500. When Fortune first published its list of the largest companies in America in 1995, Wal-Mart didn't even exist. That year General Motors was America's biggest company, and in every year that followed,either GM or another mighty industrial, Exxon, was No.1.
Wal-Mart's achievement caps a bigger economic shift I from producing goods to providing services. Manufacturing's share ofU. S. employment peaked in 1953, at 35%. It has been declining steadily since. In the decade that will end in 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures that goods-producing industries will create 1.3 million new jobs, compared to 20 million for service industries. To look at it another way, today there are about four times as many people working in service jobs as in other kinds of jobs. And even within manufacturing, services are an increasingly large share of operations.
As America got richer, consumption got more complicated. With more income to throw around, people started spending more on services -- movies and travel, mortgages to buy houses, insurance to protect those houses, the occasional weekends at a luxury hotel. Fortune calls this a shift in the demand pattern. Over the next few years, only three of the ten fastest-growing occupations ( software engineers, nurses, and computer support ) pay middle-class salaries. The rest could be called Wal-Mart kinds of jobs -- cashiers, retail assistants, food service, and so on. In short, the service economy is delivering more good jobs than ever before.
53. In 1993, Wal-Mart could have a sales volume of two billion dollars in __
A. one week      B. two weeks
C. one day       D. two days
54. To take Wal-Mart to the top of the Fortune 500, Sam Walton __
A. promoted sales and cut costs at the same time
B. exhorted employees to sell better with the "ten-foot rule"
C. spared no efforts to push sales growth
D. cut back costs with information technology
55. In 1995, __ was America's biggest company.
A. Exxon       B. General Motors
C. Wal-Mart      D. IBM
56. Today, __ are working in service industry.
A. four out of five      B. 35% workers
C. 20 million       D. 1.3 million
57. According to Fortune, Wal-Mart's rise is mainly the result of__
A. the decline of goods-producing industries
B. the rise of the middle class
C. a shift in the demand pattern
D. Sam Walton's hard work
Questions 58 to 62 are based on the following passage: ( 10分)
According to the airline industry statistics, almost 90% of airline accidents are survivable or partially survivable. But passengers can increase their chances of survival by learning and following certain tips. Experts say that you should read and listen to safety instructions before takeoff and ask questions if you have uncertainties. You should fasten your seat belt low on your hips as tightly as possible. Of course, you should also know how the release mechanism of your belt operates. During takeoffs and landings you are advised to keep your feet flat on the floor. Before takeoff you should locate the nearest exit and an alternative exit and count the rows of seats between you and the exits so that you can find them in the dark if necessary.
In the event that you are forewarned of a possible accident, you should put your hands on your ankles and keep your head down until the plane comes to a complete stop. If smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. If possible, wet these for added protection against smoke inhalation. To evacuate as quickly as possible, follow crew commands and do not take personal belongings with you. Do not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated, and when you jump, do so with your arms and legs extended in front of you. When you get to the ground, you should move away from the plane as quickly as possible, and never smoke near the wreckage.
58. According to the experts, when should travelers read and listen to safety instructions?
A. Throughout the flight     B. During landings
C. Before takeoff     D. In an emergency
59. Which exits suggested in the passage should an airline passenger locate before takeoff?.
A. The ones at the back of the plane.
B. The nearest one.
C. The ones that can be found in the dark.
D. The two closest to the passenger's seat.
60. According to the passage, people have more chances to survive fires in aircraft if they __
A. keep their feet flat on the floor
B. keep their heads low
C. fasten their seat belts tightly
D. read airline safety statistics before takeoff
61. Airline passengers are specifically told NOT to __
A. carry personal belongings in an emergency
B. locate the nearest exit
C. ask questions about safety during the flight
D. jump in any circumstances
62. What is the main purpose of the passage
A. To guide people to survive fires.
B. To provide safety advice.
C. To please travelers.
D. To give the information of airline industry statistics.
Questions 63 to 67 are based on the following passage: ( 10分 )
Architecture is the art or science of designing and constructing buildings with durable materials following certain canons.
Historically, architecture has followed a succession of recognizable styles that may, for example, be identified as Gothic, Baroque, or Neo-Classical; or it has a specific style associated with a particular culture, such as Greek, Roman, or Egyptian.
Architectural style, even if it is a country house, factory, hotel, airport, or religious building, reflects the values as well as the needs of the society that produces it. However, it is governed not only by taste and aesthetic interest but also by many practical considerations.
The availability of suitable materials is closely linked to the development of skills and influenced the shapes of buildings. Carpentry developed in areas of the world that were thickly forested. Although it has become scarcer, timber remains an important building material.
In other areas, stone and marble were chosen for important monuments because they are fireproof and durable. Stone is also a sculptural material; stone architecture was often integral with stone sculpture. The use of stone has declined today because a number of other materials, such as glass, steel, and concrete are more economical to use and assemble.
In regions where both timber and stone were scarce, earth itself was used as a building material. Mud or clay was compact into walls or made into bricks that were dried in the sun. Later, bricks were baked in kilns, which gave them greater durability.
Building with stones or bricks is called masonry. The elements cohere through sheer gravity orthe use of mortar. The Romans found a natural cement that, combined with insert substances, produced concrete. In the early 19th century a truly waterproof cement, the key ingredient of modem cement, was developed. So, it is said that Romans are great contributor to the development of architecture.
63. The writer of this article dose not mention
A. the style of the buildings
B. the materials of the buildings
C. the concept of architecture
D. the areas where stone and timber are rich
64. What does the word "reflects" ( in Paragraph 3) mean?
A. influences       B. affects
C. shows       D. both A and B
65. Architectural style will show
A. the values of people     B. the needs of people
C. the taste of people    D. all of the above
66. According to the article, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The discovery of new building materials will influence the development of building skills.
B. Stone is both a building material and a sculptural material.
C. In the modern world, more and more other materials have replaced stone and timber asbuilding materials.
D. If an area is short of stone or timber, people usually use bricks as building materials.
67. In the architectural history, Romans
A. found a natural building material that can be used to produce concrete
B. were the first people who could produce concrete
C. found a truly waterproof cement
D. contributed most to the development of architecture
1-5CACCB   6-10CAABA  11-15BADAD  16-20CCBBA
21-25ADCCC 26-30BDBCC  31-35BBCBD  36-40DDCBB
45ACD   46ABDE  47ABCE  48BDE
49ABC   50ABCDE   51ABDE  52ABD
53-57BABAC  58-62CBBAB  63-67DCDCA

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