





History and Status




  The Research Institute for Fiscal Science(RIFS)was founded in June 1956 as per the instruction of Chairman Mao Zedong that the Ministry of Finance(MOF)should put more resources on research on fiscal and economic issues.RIFS was renamed Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences(CAFS)in February 2016.

  CAFS has a staff of 169, among whom 143 are research fellows and associate research fellows.Its post-doctoral station for public finance specialty,in existence since March,2001 is training 135 people for post-doctoral degrees.CAFS comprises 25 internal organizations, including 12 research centers, 5 graduate school departments, 6 supporting departments and 2 subsidiary associations. The 12 research centers are Center for Macroeconomic Studies, Center for Public Finance and Governance Studies, Center for Government Revenue Studies, Center for Public Assets Studies, Center for Financial Studies, Center for Education, Science and Cultural Studies, Center for Social Development Studies, Center for Resource and Environmental Studies, Center for Foreign Public Financial Studies, Center for Financial and Accounting Studies, Center for Government Human Resources Studies, and Center for Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Studies. The 5 graduate school departments are Academic Administration, Office of Student Affairs, Teaching and Research Center, Mpacc Office, Library and Information Center. The 6 supporting departments are Office of the CPC Branch (Human Resources Department), Office of Discipline Inspection of the CPC, General Affairs Office, Department of Research Management and Foreign Affairs, Department of Finance, Journal Editing Board. The 2 subsidiary associations are the Secretariat of China Public Finance Society and the Secretariat of China Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association.

  For years, CAFS has been engaged in studies in fiscal and economic theories and policies and has been advising on issues related to government policy-making and governance. CAFS is an outstanding research academy and a leading think tank of public finance in China.


  Research Centers



  ☆Center for Macroeconomic Studies does researches on Chinese and foreign economic and fiscal situations,macroeconomic regulation and management,employment and inflation,accumulation of private wealth,industrial policies,trade policies, distribution policies,and macro economics and quantitative economics.

  ☆Center for Public Finance and Governance Studies does researches on governance,modern financial system and tax law,budget system and government behavior,public risks,fiscal risks,reform and policy assessment,and fiscal history.



  ☆Center for Government Revenue Studies does researches on tax theories and policies,non-tax revenue policies,distribution and usage of revenue generated from public property or resources,theories and policies on collection and management of public revenues,and theories and policies on lottery.

  ☆Center for Public Assets Studies does researches on theories and policies on government resource allocation and management,reform of state-owned enterprises and state-owned capital.



  ☆Center for Financial Studies does researches on theories and policies related to government credit, policy-based finance, coordination between fiscal policy and monetary policy, financing on the capital market, allocation of state-owned financial capital.

  ☆Center for Education, Science and Cultural Studies does researches on fiscal theories and policies in areas of education, science and culture.



  ☆Center for Social Development Studies does researches on fiscal theories and policies on demographic and social development, social security, health finance, employment, population mobility and urbanization.

  ☆Center for Resource and Environmental Studies does researches on theories and policies on public property rights, distribution and usage of public-resource generated revenue, energy and environmental policies, ecological civilization.



  ☆Center for Foreign Public Financial Studies does researches on foreign fiscal systems, foreign budget systems, foreign government revenue and expenditure, international fiscal coordination, foreign fiscal theories, policies and new development.

  ☆Center for Financial and Accounting Studies does researches on theories and practice on accounting, auditing, management accounting and government accounting.



  ☆Center for Government Human Resources Studies does researches on human resource allocation, payment and performance evaluation in public institutions, reform of public institutions. It also offers personnel training.

  ☆Center for Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Studies does researches on theories, skills and teaching of abacus and mental arithmetic.




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