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  1. leave sb the choice of ... or ... 要么…,要么… (选择类经典句)
  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.
   The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.
  2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事(使动类经典句)
  The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.
  The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.
  If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all I have.
   3. it was the memory / memories of 追溯到…,回顾历史(回忆类经典句)
  Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development.
  (回顾历史,)人们可能会把 1964 年东京奥运会和 1988 年汉城奥运会分别视为日韩两国发展的转折点。
   It was the memory of 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb, from which originated the term of "Zero Ground".
  “零地带”这个术语可以追溯到 1945 年广岛和长崎遭受原子弹袭击的历史时刻。
   4. on the premise / ground / prerequisite / proposition / hypothesis / presuposition that 基于一个前提… (假设类经典句)
  The Chinese government declared the implementation of the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is but one part of China.
  Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
   5. be bound to 必定…;一定… (意愿类经典句)
  The Great Development of Western China is bound to be a bridge between China and other countries, promoting common economic development and prosperity for the whole world.
  Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.
   6. a matter of sth/doing sth 与…有关的情况或问题(描述类经典句)
  Considering the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. "Eventually, being 'poor' won't be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills."
  Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience.
   7. This is the similar case with/when 这恰如;正如;也会(比较类经典句)
  This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke a strong echo for us with our hands clapping in admiration despite our disability to understand the score of Mozart's musical pieces.
  Besides, this is also the case with the citizen's expenditure on education, information, traveling, etc.
   8. be exemplified by 这一点也证明了…;这点反映在以下事实:… (举例类经典句)
  This American desire to keep the children's world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.
    The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups go together to the same schools.
   9. constitute… (不用于进行式)是;认为(判断类经典句)
  History has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship.
  My decision does not constitute a precedent.
  The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.
   10. witness... 见证… (发生类经典句)
  a time or event witnesses sth / sb in a particular situation or doing a particular thing.
  The rapid development in the past 20 years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.
  I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire in the Middle East.
  ① 影子练习: 影子练习(shadowing exercise)又叫原语或单语复述练习。就是用同种语言几乎同步地跟读发言人的讲话或事先录制好的新闻录音、会议资料等。该训练的目的是培养译员的注意力分配(split of attention)和听说同步进行的同声传译技能。做影子练习时,开始的时候可以与原语同步开始,经过一段时间的练习后,可以在原语开始后半到一句话跟读原语。跟读原语时不仅仅是鹦鹉学舌,要做到耳朵在听(原语)、嘴巴在说(同种语言复述)、脑子在想(语言内容)。在跟读完一段5-8分钟长度的讲话或新闻之后,应该可以概述出原语的主要内容。在影子练习的后一阶段,可以安排“干扰”练习,就是在听、说同步进行的同时,手也动起来。要求学员从999开始写起,按倒数的形式往下写999、998、997…。影子练习视个人的基础可以进行3-5周(每周2-4小时)的训练,练习形式相对自由,在听广播、看电视、听报告时都可以做此练习。学员在练习中产生了想用译入语同步陈述时就可以转入下一阶段的练习了。
  ②原语概述: 原语概述练习是影子练习的延续。就是学员用原语跟读完一段讲话内容后,停下来凭记忆力对刚刚跟读的内容用同种语言进行概述,归纳讲话内容的核心思想。如: “On April 8 we have noticed the news of Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa’s resignation. This is an internal affairs of Japan. Prime Minister Hosokawa has made a valuable effort to promote Sino-Japanese friendly relations. We hope that Sino-Japanese relations can continue stable and healthful development.” 就可以概括为:“Japanese Prime Minister resigned. We hope this will not have impact on Sino-Japan relations.”开始做该类练习时,间隔时间可以相对短一点,在学员掌握要领之后再逐渐加长。原语概述练习的目的是培养学员短期记忆力、边听、边说、边想(抓核心内容)的习惯。
  ③译入语概述: 译入语概述练习是在原语概述练习进行一段时间后将概述原语内容用译入语进行。目的是巩固听说同步并逐渐过渡到真正的同声传译。练习时译员不必过度强调句子结构和具体内容,而是培养用简练的译入语传达原语的中心思想和主要信息点。如:“The protection of the environment is a vital component of continued economic development. Here and in Hong Kong decades of explosive growth have taken a toll on the environment resulting in air and water pollution, destruction of the natural environment, traffic congestion and deforestation. Not only does this discourage further economic investment and encourage industries already here for relocate, but it also makes it increasingly difficult for Guangdong to enter into the next level of economic development.” 可以用译入语--汉语概述为:“环境保护是经济持续发展的重要因素。// 过去广东和香港在这方面已有过教训。// 环保是广东吸引更多投资使经济更上一层楼的保障。//”
  ④视译: 视译(on-sight interpreting)是指同传译员拿着讲话人的发言稿,边听发言、边看原稿、边进行同声传译。在练习时,第一步可以找一些有译文的发言稿,边听发言录音,边做“同声传读。”逐渐过渡到脱离译稿只看原文进行口译。视译时可以用很短时间对原文通读一次,了解发言的主要内容并对语言、专业难点做“译前准备”。
  ⑤磁带练习: 同声传译是实践性很强的活动,其所涉及到的技巧要靠平时的练习才能为学习者掌握。因此,要在平时做很多的练习才能成为真正合格的同传译员。一般正规训练同传译员的机构都要求受训者除课堂接受的训练外要进行近300磁带时(tape-hours)精听、精练。磁带练习的内容要丰富多彩、题材广泛、音调齐全,要包括中英两种语言。最好是国际会议发言录音或录象。在练习时,可以把自己的翻译录下来,进行分析,找出不足的地方及误译、漏译的地方。任何技能的掌握都是靠平时的日积月累,靠艰苦练习。

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