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   Part I Vocabulary (30 points)

  1.A 句意:轻信的人最受政治家欢迎。credulous轻信的,容易受骗的。credible可信的。


  2.C chronic“慢性的”,常用来形容持续时间长的病症。perpetual永久的,主要指时间。


  3.A 句意:尽管我很想借给他钱,但是我做不到,因为我没有那么多现金。much as放在句

  首,等同于however much,意为“尽管,不管程度多高”。would like to表示意愿,过去时为would have like to。

  4.A 句意:尽管建筑有艺术性,但它也要满足一些重要的对实际应用的考虑。consideration


  5.A render使;致使。reckon猜想,估计。regard注意,认作。relate讲述,叙述。

  6.B 此处wish接双宾语表示祝愿。you和a good journey同是宾语。

  7.C 句意:阿拉伯和以色列的对抗会结束吗?confrontation对抗。controversy论战,辩论。


  8.D 句意:这个隐蔽的房间只有通过后方一个秘密通道才能到达。accessible可到达的。


  9.A 句意:那些支持电视播出暴力节目的人声称这能帮助观众宣泄过剩的精力,帮助他们

  用一种无害的方式摆脱自己的情感。let off steam宣泄被压抑的过剩精力或情感。lash out突然猛击,猛烈抨击。leave off不再穿某物。leak out泄露,透露。

  10.A 句意:我们即将迎来欧洲关系发展的新时期。threshold(某事物发生或运作的)起点。

  on the threshold of即将开始。the advent of(重要时期的)来临。commencement开始。

  第9 / 13页

  11.C 句意:现在,我们的政府倡导我们无论做什么事,无论和什么样的人打交道都要讲诚

  信。一旦你食言,你将失去你的社会地位和个人信誉。go back on违背(诺言或协议)。keep up with知道正在发生的事情。give away with泄露(秘密)。lose sight of忽略。

  12.A 句意:法国士兵Nicholas Chauvin为了表达对Napoleon Bonaparte的崇拜总是不停地


  13.C upstart暴发户,新贵。senile衰老的。flourishing繁荣的,欣欣向荣的。fledgling无经


  14.D levy动词,征收(捐税,罚款等)。volume名词,体积,容积,容量。valorous勇敢的,


  15.A 句意:针对这家医院的关闭问题有一些不一样的观点。discrepancy差异,不一致。

  combat 战斗。disparity悬殊。controversy论战。

  16.D 句意:那边那个矮胖的人不是别人,正式伟大的魔术师查理·威廉。none other than


  17.D needn?t have done对过去发生事情的虚拟,表“本不必要,但实际上却”之意。

  18.C 句意:在该歌剧最为著名的咏叹调中,管弦乐队指挥所选择的拍子看起来变幻莫测,


  19.C 句意:小孩和老人不喜欢自己的常规生活秩序被打乱。routine常规,固定而有规则性


  20.B 句意:对科学的一个错误观念是,许多科学发现都是偶然发生的。accidentally偶然地,


  21.A 句意:有胆识的人思维敏捷,行动起来毫不犹豫。hesitation犹豫,踌躇。complaint


  22.C preface to a book书的序言。

  23.B supervision监督,管理。interaction互相影响。availability可用性,实用性。disposition


  24.C lay aside搁置;放弃。lay away贮存。lay off解雇;停止雇用。lay out摆开,布置。

  25.A 该句表达“最引人注目的投资将会在美国”之意。spectacular引人注目的,出色的。


  26.A 句意:交谈中,首先要摈弃以自我为中心的癖好,绝不要试图用自己的私事或者自己


  27.A 句意:与我搭档演戏的演员与我配合得很棒,会低声说出我每句台词的开头词句,在

  接下来其他的戏里他也会这样做。cover up for sb为某人掩盖错误或隐瞒罪行等。break up解散,瓦解。make up组成,构成。stir up惹起麻烦等。

  28.C predictable可预知的,预料中的。foregone先前的,过去的。foreseen预见的。prospective


  29.A lurch突然或无规则地倾斜。stagger蹒跚。wobble摆动,不稳定。swirl打漩, 盘绕。

  30.B 句意:他翻查有关玫瑰花的目录,看看是否有哪个品种适合种植在南墙。catalogue


  Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

  Passage One

  第10 / 13页

  31.B 根据第二段第一句可知,“交通拥挤以及把宝贵时间浪费在接收别人车辆的尾气上带

  来的挫败感使得追求快乐变成了糟糕的开始”,从而导致tempers become frayed“脾气烦躁”,由此可判断原因是路上车太多。

  32.B 第二段第二句讲的是孩子通常是父亲发泄怒气的目标。第三句依然描述父亲的行为,


  33.C 第三段teeming,every等词暗示沙滩上的人密密麻麻。

  34.A 第四段提到Fathers eye with furtive lustfulness。丈夫以色迷迷的眼光鬼鬼祟祟地看别


  35.D 从最后一段可知the lobster skin被covered up而非packed away;plasters和hurt在文

  中并未提及。the debris被collected而非covered with waste paper。wasted paper是被trodden into the sand。dress在此处可理解为“整理”。

  Passage Two

  36.C 从第一段第三句“Yet every year the vast majority of Companies ...or likely return will


  37.A 由“Many managers believe that the costs of marketing form an additional expense”可知许


  38.D 第三段谈到Managers commonly consider that their time is too valuable to spend on

  anything other than urgent operational problems.“经理们普遍认为他们的时间宝贵,与其把时间花在这些紧急的操作问题上,还不如花在任何其他事情上有意义。”他们并非没有时间,因此选项A错误,他们认为没必要写营销计划才是根本原因,故选项D正确。

  39.B 根据第三段最后三句“if properly prepared ... need be dealt with by the manager.”可知如


  40.D 从第三段“The first step ... government departments, institutions and the press.”知准备营



  Passage three

  41.B 从第一段的 “In addition to urge to conform which we generate ourselves, there is the

  external pressure…” “除了我们自身产生的顺应他人的推动力以外,还有外在的压力……”可以得出作者在此之前讨论的是B“顺应他人的内在推动力”

  42.C 第二段举出了一个例子:一个禁酒组织的新成员可能因为不赞成这个组织严格坚持


  43.B “temperance”的意思为“节欲, 戒酒, 禁酒”,如果不清楚这个词的意思也可以从第二

  段的“the group?s rigid insistence that all drinking of alcoholic beverages is wrong”“这个组织严格坚持认为所有的饮酒行为都是错误的”,因此,不难选出答案B“禁酒组织是一个激励人们停止饮酒的组织”。

  44.C 从第二段和第三段的两个例子可以看出,当你拒绝放弃自己的与集体不同的观点时,

  “he will be made to feel uncomfortable” “their wrath will descend on him.”, 大家会“让他感到不安”或“用愤怒袭击他”。因此,选C项“你会渐渐被他们所疏远。”

  45.A 结合整篇文章内容,抓住关键词中心句:第一段的第一句话,就可以得出整篇文章

  第11 / 13页


  Passage four

  46. It is a mathematical model for the force of gravity and describes the observed behavior of Nature in the language of mathematics. (作者并未对“牛顿运动定律”的具体内容予以介绍,只是在第三、五段介绍了该定律的大致特点:该定律是描述地球引力的数学模型,并用数学语言对自然界可观察现象进行描述。)

  47. The functions of theory and observation are divided into two distinct communities and are more complex than before.(第六段介绍了当今科学界的研究方法:理论和观察被归结为两个截然不同的领域。无论在试验还是理论上,方法都比以前更复杂。)

  48. Many bosons can occupy the same state at the same time; whereas only one fermion can occupy a given state at a given time.(第八段提到任何物质的粒子不外乎两种:玻色子或费密子。区别在于:多个玻色子可以共处于同一量子状态。费密子则需要借助外力才能保持同一状态,否则就向邻近状态变迁。后文还介绍,费密子遵守庖利不相容原理,即:任何两个费密子不会同时处于相同的量子态,一般物质的很多特性都是来自于这个原则。) III. Writing (30 points)

  Clothes and Fashions of Young People

  Fashion in clothes has allowed wearers to express emotion or solidarity with other people for millennia. Modern Westerners have a wide choice available in the selection of their clothes. What a person chooses to wear can reflect their personality or likes. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start; people who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style.

  People have different attitudes to fashion. Some are indifferent, what they wear, for example men and old people. Women are very choosy and particular. They like to spend a lot of money on clothes, but some women sometimes buy clothes, which aren?t particularly expensive. Young people like to wear leisure clothes or they imitate their favorite pop star. Some men are choosy too. They like to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes in elegant shops, but there are some women who buy clothes for their husbands. Some people want to be different asunder some people. They wear strange clothes. People wear clothes according to their taste, moods or their character.

  Fashions may vary significantly within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation and geography as well as over time. The styles of clothes are influenced by commercials or advertisements. Very many women choose clothes in fashion show. Fashion concerns clothes, but also hair style, make-up and accessories, shoes, handbags, gloves or glasses.

  Style, cuts, designs and the length of clothes are changing too. Miniskirts are favorite in at one time. Soon they are replaced by loose dress or maxi-style. Fashion often reverts to older styles and traditional, natural materials such as cotton, wool, linen or silk. Favorite material is denim, the design of which can be plain or patterned.

  In summer youngsters wear light summer dresses, loose blouses, skirts, shorts and T-shirts. On their feet they pull on sandals. In winter they need to wear something warm—jeans, cardigans, sweaters, anoraks and boots.

  On special occasions young people like to be dressed properly too. When they go to a concert or to the theatre they are always dressed up. They wear an evening dress, such as shirt, trousers, tie and dress. For sports they put on sports wear, such as jeans, shorts, T-shirts. At home they like to feel comfortable, and so they prefer leisure clothes, such as trousers, T-shirts. To school they wear

  第12 / 13页

  something practical, such as trousers, jeans, T-shirt, sweat-suit and trainers.

  Special kinds of clothes are uniforms and costumes. Uniforms are worn particularly by professionals such as the police, the armed forces or health workers.

  Some people do not choose their dress with regard to the latest fashion. The most important thing is to wear dresses that are neat and clean. Most youngsters like wearing leisure wear, such as jeans, trousers, maxi or mini skirts, T-shirt or shirt. They like wearing different clothes and they wear clothes according to moods so that they can feel comfortable.






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