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  Associated press




  Wall Street Journal


  Daily Mirror


  Attorney General of the US


  US Information Agency


  Lucas film


  Board Of Censors


  Full shot




  Ethical film








  Silent film


































  这里宝玉悲恸了一回,忽然抬头不见了黛玉,便知黛玉看见他躲开了,自己也觉无味,抖抖土起来,下山寻归旧路,往怡红院来。可巧看见林黛玉在前头走,连忙赶上去,说道:“你且站住。我知你不理我, 我只说一句话,从今后撂开手。” 林黛玉回头看见是宝玉,待要不理他, 听他说“只说一句话, 从此撂开手”,这话里有文章,少不得站住说道:“有一句话,请说来。” 宝玉笑道:“两句话, 说了你听不听?” 黛玉听说,回头就走。宝玉在身后面叹道:“既有今日, 何必当初!” 林黛玉听见这话,由不得站住,回头道:“当初怎么样? 今日怎么样?” 宝玉叹道:“当初姑娘来了,那不是我陪着顽笑? 凭我心爱的,姑娘要, 就拿去,我爱吃的,听见姑娘也爱吃,连忙干干净净收着等姑娘吃。一桌子吃饭,一床上睡觉。丫头们想不到的,我怕姑娘生气,我替丫头们想到了。我心里想着:姊妹们从小儿长大,亲也罢,热也罢,和气到了儿,才见得比人好。如今谁承望姑娘人大心大,不把我放在眼睛里,倒把外四路的什么宝姐姐凤姐姐的放在心坎儿上,倒把我三日不理四日不见的。我又没个亲兄弟亲姊妹。----虽然有两个,你难道不知道是和我隔母的? 我也和你似的独出,只怕同我的心一样。谁知我是白操了这个心,弄的有冤无处诉!” 说着不觉滴下眼泪来。




  When Bao-yu recovered sufficiently to look up she had gone, obviously to avoid himGetting up rather sheepishlyhe dusted off his clothes and walked down the hill to make his way back again to Happy Red CourtCatching sight of Dai-yu ahead, he overtook her


   “Do stop!” he begged. “I know you won't look at mebut let me just say one wordAfter that we can part company for good.”


    Tai-yu glanced round and would have ignored him, but was curious to hear this“one word”thinking there must be something in itShe came to a halt


   “Out with it.”


   Bao-yu smiled.


   “Would you listen if I said two words?” he asked.


    At once she walked away


    Bao-yu, close behind hersighed


   “Why are things so different now from in the past?”


   Against her will she stopped once more and turned her head.


   “What do you mean by ‘now’ and ‘the past’?”


   Bao-yu heaved another sign.


   “Wasn't I your playmate when you first came?” he demanded. “Anything that pleased me was yourscousinfor the askingIf I knew you fancied a favorite dish of mineI put it away in a clean place till you cameWe ate at the same table and slept on the same bedI took care that the maids did nothing to upset youfor I thought cousins growing up together as such good friends should be kinder to each other than anyone elseI never expected you to grow so proud that now you have no use for me while you're so fond of outsiders like Bao-chai and His-feng. You ignore me or cut me for three or four days at a time I've no brothers or sisters of my own---only two by a different mother, as well you knowSo I'm an only child like youand I thought that would make for an affinity between usBut apparently it was no use my hoping for thatThere's nobody I can tell how unhappy I am.” With that, he broke down again

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