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  Institute of International Studies, Fudan University

  The Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, formed out of the Center for American Studies, the Center for Japanese Studies and the Center for Korean Peninsula Studies, was founded in late 2000. As of 2013, Fudan University has expanded and restructured the institute into a grand and high-level platform to coordinate and conduct international studies in terms of regional and country studies as well as researches on global issues by virtue of resource integration and premier interdisciplinary backup, expected to turn into one of the world-class university think tanks based in China and China’s research hubs for international studies to actively serve the national diplomatic strategy with extensive global academic prestige and influence in the field of political science.

  With concerted endeavors delivered to build up a multidisciplinary, cross-domain academic group and construct a broader platform for international studies, the community has further promoted the closer interactions with the national diplomatic decision-making circles. To date, the institute has evolved into the Key Cooperation Institute for Policy Studies(2019-2021) granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Among the affiliated research sectors, the Center for American Studies has blossomed out into one of the Key Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences in University nationwide as well as the Institute for China-U.S. People-to-People Exchange Studies granted by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies has been entitled the Institute for China-Russia People-to-People Exchange Studies by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. In addition, the Center for Asia-Pacific Cooperation and Governance, initially founded and affiliated to the institute, has been cited as one of the University Think-Tanks and Innovative Research Bases for Social Sciences in Shanghai.

  The full-time faculty members consist of 21 professors, 10 associate professors and 3 assistant professors. The institute, comprising over 10 research centers, spans a wide range of specialties which encompass American studies, Japanese studies, Korean Peninsula studies, Regional studies of Russia and Central Asia/Shanghai Cooperation Organization studies, South Asian/Pakistan studies, China-EU relations, French studies, China’s neighboring countries studies, UN and International Organizations studies, Chinese diplomacy studies, Asia-Pacific cooperation and governance studies, Latin American studies, etc. In 2016, the upfront phase was started for constructing the Center for Maritime Strategies.

  At the Institute, Professor WU Xinbo takes up the post as Dean of Faculty, with Associate Professor LIU Jiping as Secretary of the Party Committee. The Vice Deans are Professor FENG Yujun and Associate Professor QI Huaigao. Mr. SHA Zukang, prominent diplomat and former UN Under-Secretary-General, assumes the position as Honorary Dean and Chairman of the Development Committee.




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